Phone: 404-266-2464

Szabo News & Announcements

read: The "Fifty Szabo Mores"

• We’ve been doing this for 50+ years.

“No other media collection company has MORE experience or deeper understanding of the intricacies of collecting media and entertainment debt. No other media collection company delivers MORE service from long-tenured employees—it’s our promise and our passion.”
Robin Szabo, President

  • You’re like the police, I hope I never have to call, but I know you’re there when I need you. Over the years, you all have been outstanding. I remember my first conference that BCCA had in Atlanta and Peter (Szabo) was there. That is one person I will never forget. Friendly, kind, hilarious, funny, I can list a ton of adjectives to describe him and the one that will always come back to me is nice. I’ll never forget the theme Szabo set for dinner “cowboy/cowgirl and he came with his straw hat, red and white handkerchief, now I can’t remember if he had blue jeans on or overalls, but he definitely had his boots. Szabo hosted the dinner and for the first time, I saw a roasted pig, apple in the mouth and all.  I was ABC/WLS at the time. I knew then Szabo was a good company to work with. You all stand by your name and get it done.

    Tracy Hamilton
    Credit Manager,

  • Szabo Associates has been the collections firm I have used for almost 30 years during my career in media. While I did try others along the way, I always went back to using Szabo, and they are now the only collections company I work with.  
    Szabo specializes in media collections and they understand the nuances of the business. The entire staff is very responsive. Szabo works with me to determine the best course of action for each account placed with them.  When they give recommendations, they tell me the reasons behind those recommendations. 
    It’s a pleasure to work with the team at Szabo.

    Gayle Carson
    Senior Manager, Accounts Receivable, Cox Media Group
  • "It is with much enthusiasm that I am writing this letter on behalf of Szabo Associates, Inc. AARP began our business relationship with Szabo in June 2001 and for the past 20+ years we have been serviced with the utmost care and professionalism by their entire staff but specifically by Charles L. Langgood. It is rare that a business relationship last 20 years therefore this longevity is a testament as to how satisfied we are with the excellent service we have experienced. We have been completely satisfied with the performance and care taken with each account that has been forwarded to them.... Over the years, Chuck has always been thorough and easy to work with and willing to take the time to discuss any concerns or issues and responds immediately. Customer service runs deep with Chuck and he will send notes just to say hello and make sure that things are going well with AARP and with us personally. We recommend Szabo for any of your collection needs and look forward to continuing our relationship with them." 
    Linda Mitchell
    AARP Credit & Accounts Receivable Manager

MORE media debt $ delivered than all other media collection firms

50 plus years. Half a century of collecting media debts and delivering that money to our clients. We were the pioneers and remain the largest and most experienced media debt collection company in the world. The key to our success? Our incredible staff and amazing loyal clients.
We’ve delivered MORE media debt dollars to our clients than the combined total of all other collection firms in this business.

Back in 1971 the world was much simpler. Things changed. Technology exploded; online presence and expertise became SOP. But some things haven’t changed. Like our personal, professional approach to debt collection and our success rate of resolving MORE than 50% of your collection issues within 90 days.
From the beginning we hired the best, seasoned employees with substantial debt collection expertise, then put them through extensive training. They know their stuff, and our results prove it.

MORE services reflecting MORE experience

Through the years we’ve developed services and technology that help you collect MORE money, MORE easily. DebtorNet® is our proprietary database of more than 650,000 advertisers and agencies with debt collection history. Millions of dollars in potentially lost revenues are saved by clients using this service.
An international network of legal resources including hundreds of law firms helps us connect you to the best legal representation.

Specialized divisions for individual media assure your Szabo team member is deeply familiar with issues unique to that media.
We work on a more personal level on the phone, never form letters. We also work on contingency, and you get your money before we get ours—always.
Szabo Associates was the first and is the largest media debt collection firm in the world, delivering millions and millions of media debt dollars to clients over the past half century. Our team members—masters of diplomacy and incredible negotiators—combine their skills with services such as DebtorNet®, A/R management, and legal processes to deliver MORE expertise and MORE money. After all, it’s your money, we think you should recover MORE of it. Let us show you how.
Phone: 404-266-2464
Fax: 404-266-2165
Szabo Associates, Inc.
3355 Lenox Road, N.E., Suite 945
Atlanta, Georgia 30326
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